“Many people have the desire to let go, but they’re not able to do so because they don’t yet have enough insight; they haven’t seen other alternatives, other doorways to peace and happiness. Fear is an element that prevents us from letting go. We’re fearful that if we let go we’ll have nothing else to cling to. Letting go is a practice; it’s an art. One day, when you’re strong enough and determined enough, you’ll let go of the afflictions that make you suffer.” ― Thích Nhất Hạnh
Dear Beloved BWBH Community,
Every day, we exist as Human Beings, not humans doing. We can choose to make Being the priority with the time we have on earth.
Be Well Be Here was founded with this principle in mind. It inspired the name.
After many months of contemplation, conversation with the BWBH board and staff, and consultation with the trusted professionals who guide us, we have made the difficult decision to let go of Be Well Be Here. In June 2024, the nonprofit will close.
Thank you to BWBH’s beloved staff, board members, teachers, students, advisors, collaborators, supporters, meditators and mindful seekers for Being present with us. My heart fills with joy at the memory of our adventures and the deep connections we experienced. This eternal source of contentment is life’s greatest gift.
Wishing you all seasons of discovery, wonder and ease as you begin again, just Being.
May You Be Safe.
May You Be Well.
May You Be Peaceful.
May You Live with Ease and with Kindness.
May You Sense the Beauty Around and Within You on Your Journey.
May You Simply Be.
Much Love and Gratitude,
Seek a space that brings ease and contentment in the present moment
May you find joy on the journey!